Cursillos in Christianity

Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning "short course". It's a short course in Christianity that begins on a Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening. During those three days the Cursillistas (those attending the weekend) live and work together, listening to talks given by priests and laypeople. It takes the person as they are, with all their situations and makes them capable of uniting themselves with God. During this Cursillo weekend there will be a structured program that includes moments of prayer, reflection, and study.

Cursillos Is Not A Retreat

A Cursillo can be made only once in a lifetime, therefore it is not a substitute for a retreat. Actually the Cursillo makes succeeding retreats more profitable and Cursillistas are encouraged to make regular retreats. The basic atmosphere of a Cursillo differs greatly from the individual solitude of a retreat. The Cursillo weekend is not silent. The teachings of Christ are experienced and shared in a climate of joy and a spirit of community. During the talks the Cursillistas take notes and each talk is followed by a discussion period within a small group.

Instrument Of Renewal

The Cursillo is a powerful instrument of renewal in the Church. Its aim is to concentrate closely on the Person and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Cursillo gives those who attend a living understanding of basic Christian truths and a desire to serve the Church. To have a personal encounter with Christ, which begins with an encounter with oneself and is completed with an encounter with others, awakening the sense of community through living in friendship, initiating the desire in order to have a conscious and growing conversion, strengthening their Catholic faith, so they can live their faith in a more authentic and committed way.


In our everyday lives, we get caught up in our routines and often focus on the external world, neglecting to reflect on our inner selves. This is about taking the time to look within ourselves and assess our lives.


We often overlook and fail to recognize the presence of God, yet we unknowingly yearn for him. Encountering God means seeing him in our lives and situations, and understanding that he has a special message for us.


We live surrounded by people, both loved ones and strangers, but we often overlook the fact that we are more alike than we realize. Coming together with others helps us grow and achieve greater things.

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